The Private Practice Register (PPR) APIs bundle encapsulates API interfaces related to activities in scope of carrying out private practice – hospital credentialing, insurer recognition, enabling practitioners to manage their private practice profile centrally in one place, etc.

Getting started

General aspects of integrating with Healthcode APIs, like authentication and authorisation, naming conventions, data formatting assumptions, error handling requirements, etc. are documented here.

Pay special attention to the aspects of using discovery document, the need to specify site id within the request headers, and the need to specify exact API version.

Also, be certain you are connecting to the correct environment. If you are trying to integrate into our sandbox (UAT) environment, read instructions here first to understand the requirements.


Search Practitioners

The Search Practitioners API enables searching for practitioners for a given profession, specialty and with a specific postcode.


Must be looked up from the discovery document using key search_practitioner_endpoint.


A sample request searching for a practitioner is provided below.

curl --request GET
    --url 'search_practitioner_endpoint?
    address-postalcode=W1H 3DA&
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer abCdE12...89mNopq0r' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json' \


FieldTypeMandatory/ OptionalDescription
profession StringOProfession code for which slots are to be searched.
gender String OGender of the practitioner.
given String OFirst name of the practitioner.
family String OSurname of the practitioner.
address-postalcode String OPostcode of the practitioner’s location.
specialty String OSpecialty code for which slots are to be searched.
subspecialty String OSubspecialty code for which slots are to be searched.
insurer-recognition-status String OThe practitioner’s recognition status with the insurer.
insurer-provider-number String OProvider number assigned by the insurer.
insurer String OThe code of the insurer the practitioner is recognised by.
is-onlinebooking-available BooleanO“true” if Practitioner has active eBooking schedules in use, otherwise “false”
regulator-referenceStringOThe unique regulatory reference number

The is-onlinebooking-available parameter can be used to search for the practitioners who have enabled the online appointment booking service.


Sample FHIR response of resource type bundle with the practitioner resource within it.

    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "meta": {
        "tag": [
                "code": "count",
                "display": "1"
                "code": "page",
                "display": "1"
                "code": "maxCount",
                "display": "204"
    "type": "searchset",
    "total": 1,
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Practitioner",
                "id": "SP09000",
                "extension": [
                        "id": "indemnityStatus",
                        "url": "",
                        "valueString": "N"
                        "id": "isOnlineBookingAvailable",
                        "url": "",
                        "valueBoolean": false
                        "id": "profession",
                        "url": "",
                        "extension": [
                                "id": "profession",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "00U",
                                            "display": "Surgeon"
                                "id": "specialty",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "0003A",
                                            "display": "Trauma & Orthopaedics"
                                "id": "subspecialty",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "0000L",
                                            "display": "Hip"
                        "id": "registrationnumbers",
                        "url": "",
                        "extension": [
                                "id": "regulatorybody",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "GMC",
                                            "display": "General Medical Council"
                                "id": "regulatorreference",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueString": "1234567"
                                "id": "registrationdate",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueString": "08.05.1997"
                        "id": "insurers",
                        "url": "",
                        "extension": [
                                "id": "insurer",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "nuh",
                                            "display": "Aviva"
                                "id": "insurerprovidercode",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueString": "984572186"
                                "id": "recognitionstatus",
                                "url": "",
                                "valueCodeableConcept": {
                                    "coding": [
                                            "system": "",
                                            "code": "Y",
                                            "display": "Recognised"
                "name": [
                        "family": "Clinton",
                        "given": [
                        "prefix": [
                "telecom": [
                        "id": "phone",
                        "value": "020 7789 0123"
                        "id": "email",
                        "value": ""
                "address": [
                        "type": "postal",
                        "text": "St Elsewhere Hospital, Sutton Place, London",
                        "line": [
                            "St Elsewhere Hospital",
                            "Sutton Place",
                        "postalCode": "W1H 3DA"
                "gender": "female",
                "birthDate": "09.05.1977",
                "qualification": [
                        "id": "FRCS",
                        "code": {
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "FRCS",
                                    "display": "Fellow Royal College of Surgeons"
                        "period": {
                            "start": "2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Error handling

HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
400MSG_CANT_PARSE_CONTENTFailed to parse Practitioner.
400MSG_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMMandatory parameter is missing.
400MSG_INVALID_FORMATSubmitted parameter is not valid.
400MSG_PARAM_EMPTYParameter is null/empty.
400MSG_OP_NOT_ALLOWEDUpdate for inactive resource is not allowed.
422MSG_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTSEntity already exists in database.
422MSG_PARAM_INVALIDParameter content is not valid.
422MSG_REFERENCE_ID_NOT_FOUNDReference ID is not found.
422MSG_DATABASE_ERROREntity failed to process from database.

Get Profile Photo

The Get Profile Photo API enables fetching practitioner photo from the PPR profile.


Must be looked up from the discovery document using key get_practitionerphoto_endpoint.


A sample request for get_practitionerphoto is provided below.

curl --request GET
    --url '{get_practitionerphoto_endpoint}/{}'
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer abCdE12...89mNopq0r'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json'


The API returns the photo as a base-64 encoded binary string wrapped within a Parameters resource.

    "resourceType": "Parameters",
    "parameter": [
            "name": "photo",
            "valueAttachment": {
                "contentType": "UTF-8",
                "size": 32456,
                "title": "Warren_Clinton.jpg"

Error handling

HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
400MSG_CANT_PARSE_CONTENTFailed to parse Practitioner.
400MSG_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMMandatory parameter is missing.
400MSG_INVALID_FORMATSubmitted parameter is not valid.
400MSG_PARAM_EMPTYParameter is null/empty.
400MSG_OP_NOT_ALLOWEDUpdate for inactive resource is not allowed.
422MSG_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTSEntity already exists in database.
422MSG_PARAM_INVALIDParameter content is not valid.
422MSG_REFERENCE_ID_NOT_FOUNDReference ID is not found.
422MSG_DATABASE_ERROREntity failed to process from database.

Search PractitionerRoles

The Search PractitionerRoles API enables searching across private practice records within Healthcode PPR service.


Must be looked up from the discovery document using key search_practitionerrole_endpoint.


A sample request for get_practitionerrole is provided below.

curl --request GET
    --url '{search_practitionerrole_endpoint}?
    address-postalcode=W1H 3DA&
    _sort=distance:desc& (OR name:desc)
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer abCdE12...89mNopq0r'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json'


FieldTypeMandatory/ OptionalDescription
practitioner StringOPractitioner ID.
location String OLocation ID.
ages-treated String OCode signifying the ages treated.
near String OCoordinates from where the distance needs to be calculated Usage: lat:lon:distance:units
near-distance String ORadius within which the results need to be searched.
address-postalcode String OPostal code of the location.
specialty String OSpecialty code for the practitioner at the location.
subspecialty String OSubspecialty code for the practitioner at the location.
is-onlinebooking-availableBooleanOOnline booking service is available for the practitioner.
insurer String OCodes of the insurer(s) the practitioner is recognised by.
profession String OProfession code for the practitioner.
_sort String OAsk the API to sort the results either in ascending or descending order of distance or for the practitioner’s name.
_include String OAsk the API to also include practitioner and location resources. Usage: _include=practitioner:location
distinct-by String OTo retrieve only distinct records, either practitioner or location. Usage: distinct-by=practitioner

_sort can only be for distance and name (practitioner name format: Title. GivenName Firstname).

Possible usage is as follows:

1. _sort=distance:asc (for ascending order of results)

2. sort=distance:desc (for descending order of results).

Sort using distance needs to be used only when near and nearis used to get the reference location for calculating the distance.

3. _sort=name:desc OR _sort=name:asc

Is-onlinebooking-available search parameter makes the API look up future-dated schedules available for practitioners in the ICE service and filters the practitioner-role result accordingly.

_include can be applied for practitioner and location resource.

The distinct-by parameter must be used when distinct records by practitioner or location are required. In this case, when distinct-by=practitioner is used the API returns the first available record for each practitioner matching the search criteria.

The near parameter can be used to specify the latitude, longitude, distance and units=km or mi or m. In this case, the coordinates are used to fetch the results within the distance and units specified.


km = Kilometers
mi = Miles
m = Meters
If no unit is specified, only latitude, longitude and distance, “km” is considered by default.

Alternatively, the near-distance parameter can be used to specify the distance, but preference would be given to the near parameter if a distance is already mentioned in that.


The API returns a list of practitioner-role resources in response.

    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "meta": {
        "tag": [
                "code": "count",
                "display": "2"
                "code": "page",
                "display": "1"
                "code": "maxCount",
                "display": "2"
    "type": "searchset",
    "total": 2,
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
                "id": "201808281356174321LBf0241",
                "extension": [
                        "id": "agestreated",
                        "url": "",
                        "valueCodeableConcept": {
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "C1",
                                    "display": "4-12 Years"
                "practitioner": {
                    "reference": "Practitioner/SP09000",
                    "display": "Mr Warren Clinton"
                "specialty": [
                        "coding": [
                                "system": "",
                                "code": "0003A",
                                "display": "Trauma & Orthopaedics"
                "location": [
                        "reference": "Location/HP005000",
                        "display": "St Elsewhere Hospital"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
                "id": "201808281119493731SBH0094",
                "extension": [
                        "id": "agestreated",
                        "url": "",
                        "valueCodeableConcept": {
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "C0",
                                    "display": "0-3 Years"
                        "id": "agestreated",
                        "url": "",
                        "valueCodeableConcept": {
                            "coding": [
                                    "system": "",
                                    "code": "C1",
                                    "display": "4-12 Years"
                "practitioner": {
                    "reference": "Practitioner/SP09000",
                    "display": "Mr Warren Clinton"
                "specialty": [
                        "coding": [
                                "system": "",
                                "code": "0003A",
                                "display": "Trauma & Orthopaedics"
                "location": [
                        "reference": "Location/HP005000",
                        "display": "St Elsewhere Hospital"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"

Error handling

HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
400MSG_CANT_PARSE_CONTENTFailed to parse Practitioner.
400MSG_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMMandatory parameter is missing.
400MSG_INVALID_FORMATSubmitted parameter is not valid.
400MSG_PARAM_EMPTYParameter is null/empty.
400MSG_OP_NOT_ALLOWEDUpdate for inactive resource is not allowed.
422MSG_ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTSEntity already exists in database.
422MSG_PARAM_INVALIDParameter content is not valid.
422MSG_REFERENCE_ID_NOT_FOUNDReference ID is not found.
422MSG_DATABASE_ERROREntity failed to process from database.